public class MaterialDto {
public int MaterialId { get; set; }
public List<MaterialLocaleDto> Locales{ get; set; }
public class MaterialLocaleDto {
public int MaterialLocaleId { get; set; }
public string MaterialLocaleText { get; set; }
public class MaterialEntity {
public int MaterialId { get; set; }
public List<MaterialLocaleEntity> Locales{ get; set; }
public class MaterialLocaleEntity {
public int MaterialLocaleId { get; set; }
public string MaterialLocaleText { get; set; }
public int CriteriaId { get; set; } //Only different
I'm trying to update my entity in C# with EF Core and Automapper.
First I'm getting my destination object from db by source's id like this
MaterialEntity destObj = _contex.get(command.MaterialId);
/* Here my destObj as json to show what is inside
destObj = {
"MaterialId": 1,
"Locales": [
"MaterialLocaleId": 1,
"MaterialLocaleText": "Some Text",
"CriteriaId": 1
"MaterialLocaleId": 2,
"MaterialLocaleText": "Some other text",
"CriteriaId": 1
And then I'm trying to map my source object which is come from ui.
But because of my (source) MaterialLocaleDto
doesn't have CriteriaId
definition set 0 in the destination. Final state of the destObj
destObj = {
"MaterialId": 1,
"Locales": [
"MaterialLocaleId": 1,
"MaterialLocaleText": "Some Text Came From Dto",
"CriteriaId": 0 //I don't want to reset here
"MaterialLocaleId": 2,
"MaterialLocaleText": "Some Other Text Came From Dto",
"CriteriaId": 0 //I don't want to reset here
It works on the base object when I don't want to reset undeclared variables. But it resets on the nested list object.
Thanks for your help.
Automapper.Collection.EntityframeworkCore 9.0 Library solved my problem.
When I adeded to program.cs to this code below:
collection.AddAutoMapper(cfg => {
}, typeof(MyProfile));
And then managed my mappig profile like this:
CreateMap<MaterialLocaleDto, MaterialLocaleEntity>().ReverseMap()
.EqualityComparison((sir, si) => sir.MaterialLocaleId == si.MaterialLocaleId );
Problems solved. Its just updating if there is a match with id. Or else creating. This is what exactly I want.