I have a form (antd) divided to a few sections, and in each section there are a lot of Form.Items, and each Form.Item has rules like required, specific type, etc.
in case there are any errors in the validation of any Field.Item - I want there to be a single specific, hard-coded string error message at the title of the relevant section, instead of the error-message that the Form.Item rule validation adds under each Form.Item.
is there support for a custom specific validation-error message I can use?
I thought about using some custom rules and just use a useState
as a flag for the custom-error-message, but I want to know if there is a build-in option too
this is a really general question about the usage of 'Form' from antd, but I'm adding a general code for reference -
rules={[{ required: isRequired, message: "" }]}
rules={[{ required: isRequired, message: "" }]}
rules={[{ required: isRequired, message: "" }]}
rules={[{ required: isRequired, message: "" }]}
name={["firstSection","address" ]}
rules={[{ required: isRequired, message: "" }]}
rules={[{ required: isRequired, message: "" }]}
following the open issue that @DevThiman showed me (https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/15674)
I ended up using this for a solution -
const checkSectionErrors = async (fieldNames) => {
const form = Form.useFormInstance();
await form.validateFields();
const errors = form.getFieldsError(fieldNames);
const existingErrors = errors.find(({ errors }) => errors.length);
return !!existingErrors;
const isFirstSectionInvalid = checkSectionErrors([
["secondSection", "city"],
["secondSection", "address"],
["secondSection", "country"]
const isSecondSectionInvalid = checkSectionErrors([
["firstSection", "phoneNumber"],
["firstSection", "name"],
["firstSection", "fax"]