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Unable to return exception details using ExceptionFilterAttribute

I've a need to write exception filter for couple of controllers in .NET 6 and for that i've written below and when i do a postman i always get Error: Aborted which is weird


public class TestFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
    public override async void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
        var info = { } //serialized object
        context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "appication/json";
        context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 400;
        await context.HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync(info);



Decorated [TestFilter] on my api controller when i intentionally throw exception to check, i always get site cannot be reached. Same logic i've tried in middleware i properly get response in json with expected status code


  • Check this document related

    You could try as below:

    public class TestFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
            public override async void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
                context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(someobj);


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Since you're trying with an attribute,you don't have to regist it in IServiceCollection


    You could check this document about child classes of ObjectResult