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Flutter Dart - Connect API to UI using Getx

I am flutter beginner. I'm trying to connect the API to the UI using GetX, I got an error on the API service class.

Error line:
static Future fetchProducts() async

Error in fetch Products():
The body might complete normally, causing 'null' to be returned, but the return type, 'FutureOr', is a potentially non-nullable type.

Can anyone help me to solve this? Thanks in advance!

API Code:

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
    import 'package:practice/productmodule/models/product_model.dart';
    import 'package:get/get.dart';

    class ApiService {
    static var client = http.Client();
     static Future<ProductModel> fetchProducts() async {
    var response =
        await client.get(Uri.parse('https://....../1'));
    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      var jsonString = response.body;
      return productModelFromJson(jsonString);


  • You are only returning the response inside the if block. Consider throwing an Exception or returning an error response in JSON format like so:

        import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
        import 'package:practice/productmodule/models/product_model.dart';
        import 'package:get/get.dart';
        class ApiService {
        static var client = http.Client();
         static Future<ProductModel> fetchProducts() async {
        var response =
            await client.get(Uri.parse('https://....../1'));
        if (response.statusCode == 200) {
          var jsonString = response.body;
          return productModelFromJson(jsonString);
           return ({'error':'Please try again later.'});