Can someone figure out the solution to this issue? We have an integration with one receive location (WCF-BasicHttp). Due to some business requirement, that rcv-location had to be able to handle four different requests (with different schemas) being sent to it. So the only solution I could come up with was a schema containing those four schemas. Please take a look at picture below for clarity.
The receive location does have Microsofts standard receive pipeline XMLReceive set. And So the solution works and receives the requests perfectly.
Now my issue is how to validate the requests (schemas) that do come in to us. I did try to set the SchemaDocSpec (for the schema above that you see) in the rcv pipeline with the hope that BizTalk would figure out validation. But that simply returns a 500 error back.
When the rcv location recieves (one of the four possible requests) the test request, it looks like below picture shows.
Does anyone have an idea on what I could do or try to fix this issue? Please let me know if you need more information from me.
Just have 4 separate schemas and set the Validate = True on the XML disassembler.
Or create a custom pipeline in Visual Studio and add the schemas there.