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How to get producer/consumer information from Azure Service Bus queue message?

I have one service who is sending messages to the queue and another which receive the messages, but it seems that this services are duplicated. The services that I´m aware of are deployed in Kubernetes, but the others I don´t know where are running. So my question is, can I get some information from Azure that can help me to identify this other sources?

I did look into Azure Portal but didn´t find anything useful. I'd like to get some information from Azure that can help me to identify this other sources


  • There is no way to know the details of which service or program pushed a message into the ASB queue.

    When the message was inserted into the queue, if the sender inserts some custom properties [via the ApplicationProperties of the ServiceBusMessage object], that can be used to identify the sender of the message. However, that defeats the purpose of using ASB queues - which is to decouple the components or services in your architecture. You shouldn't be doing it.