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how to match RefMut<Enum>?

I'm not very skilled with rust RefCell

and i want to know how to solve the following error.

I would be very grateful if someone could answer my question.

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

enum Node {
    Branch { name: String },
    Leaf { name: String },

fn test_match(node: &Rc<RefCell<Node>>) {
    let borror_mut_node = RefCell::borrow_mut(node);
    match borror_mut_node {
        Node::Branch { name } => name.push_str("b"),
        Node::Leaf { name } => name.push_str("l"),

fn main() {
    let node = Node::Branch { name: "test-" };
    let node = Rc::new(RefCell::new(node));

rust playground


  • You will need to declare borror_mut_node mutable, match on*borror_mut_node and then take mutable reference to the inner field.

    fn test_match(node: &Rc<RefCell<Node>>) {
        let mut borror_mut_node = RefCell::borrow_mut(node);
        match *borror_mut_node {
            Node::Branch { ref mut name } => name.push_str("b"),
            Node::Leaf { ref mut name } => name.push_str("l"),

    You can simplify it further by removing borror_mut_node. You don't need it.

    fn test_match(node: &Rc<RefCell<Node>>) {
        //let  borror_mut_node = RefCell::borrow_mut(node);
        match *node.borrow_mut() {
            Node::Branch { ref mut name } => name.push_str("b"),
            Node::Leaf { ref mut name } => name.push_str("l"),

    Another way is by matching on the mutable reborrow.

    fn test_match(node: &Rc<RefCell<Node>>) {
        //let  borror_mut_node = RefCell::borrow_mut(node);
        match &mut *node.borrow_mut() {
            Node::Branch { name } => name.push_str("b"),
            Node::Leaf { name } => name.push_str("l"),