The UIAccessibilityContainerType.landmark enumeration case is described as "Landmark data." This description leaves much to the imagination and I have struggled to find information about this enumeration case elsewhere.
I tried setting the accessibilityContainerType value of some of the views in my app to landmark to see whether this changes anything in the VoiceOver experience of my app. I did not see any change. I thought I might see an extra "Landmarks" rotor option if nothing else but this was not the case.
What is the purpose of UIAccessibilityContainerType.landmark enumeration case? Does it have any impact on an app's VoiceOver experience?
Even if a brilliant answer has already been provided by @slugolicious 👏, I deem it important to bring some information regarding the question in the "iOS world" with the sources. 🤯
What is the purpose of UIAccessibilityContainerType.landmark enumeration case? Does it have any impact on an app's VoiceOver experience?
I asked myself the same questions and wrote a TSI (n°1631349) to Apple who answered: "the landmarks are the same as in HTML and are for web content & tvOS". 😳
It's definitely not designed for iOS. In the Accessibility design for Mac Catalyst WWDC 2020 video, it is highlighted in the What are accessibility containers? section. 🎬
I'm used to watching the WWDC summaries written by Orange Digital Accessibility 🤓 but this video isn't present.
Moreover, this assertion is also outlined by the Apple support team:
Finally, don't use this container type in an iOS app for which the semanticGroup is definitely more appropriate and understood by VoiceOver regarding this OS. 😉