I am new to using PuLP in python and I would like to know how I can select a specific variable from my model to print and export to Excel.
I have been guided by some examples where they define the variables with indexes such as LpVariable.dicts, but when I open it in the console, the values for solving the problem do not appear. Only 0:LpVariable appears; 1:LpVariable...
This is how i defined it.
x_var = LpVariable.dicts('x', (set_M, set_N), 0, 1, cat="Binary")
I tried variable.value and variable.varvalue but neither works.
You are going to be a lot happier if you go the 1 extra step of making the x-product sets (or lists) separately and handing them over to that construction. When you hand over the tuple of (set_M, set_N)
, pulp's indexing is a bit weird. Just make a separate index set for the cross product (where needed) using either a comprehension or one of the itertools
Also, you don't need to put the bounds in for Binary
. It is implied.
This leads to much easier indexing when you want to access the variables in the model:
from pulp import *
M = {1, 2, 3, 4}
N = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}
# some example x-products. Itertools could also be used, but comprehensions are a snap:
MN = {(m, n) for m in M for n in N}
MN_lite = {(m, n) for m in M for n in N if m < 3}
prob = LpProblem('sample', LpMinimize)
x = LpVariable.dicts('x', indices=MN, cat="Binary")
y = LpVariable.dicts('y', indices=MN_lite, cat="Integer")
z = LpVariable.dicts('z', indices=N)
# sample print / access... No value yet
print(x[2, 'C'].varValue) # <---- this is how you want to access them!
# some silly constraints...
for n in N:
prob += lpSum(x[m, n] for m in M) >= 2 # must pick 2 for each n in N
for n in N:
prob += z[n] >= 4.2
# objective: Minimize picks
prob += lpSum(x[m, n] for (m, n) in MN) + lpSum(z[n] for n in N)
for m, n in sorted(MN): # sorting, if desired
print(f'for index {m}, {n} set: {x[m, n].varValue : 0.0f}')
for n in N:
print(n, z[n].varValue) # simple
for index 1, A set: 1
for index 1, B set: 1
for index 1, C set: 1
for index 1, D set: 1
for index 2, A set: 1
for index 2, B set: 1
for index 2, C set: 1
for index 2, D set: 1
for index 3, A set: 0
for index 3, B set: 0
for index 3, C set: 0
for index 3, D set: 0
for index 4, A set: 0
for index 4, B set: 0
for index 4, C set: 0
for index 4, D set: 0
C 4.2
B 4.2
A 4.2
D 4.2