I have this query
FROM test
(test.fee = 30003
AND test.date_from <= TRUNC(to_date('08/03/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'))
AND test.date_until >= TRUNC(to_date('08/03/2020','dd/mm/yyyy')));
I need to modify this query to return:
In case any row has single_portfolio = 100000885, return that row only, ELSE return all the other rows. (That is what I meant (edit))
I have tried a lot of approaches and none was working, I think nested selects might be needed.
Thank you.
As you want to fetch two result sets depending on whether portfolio exists in table or not, then one option is to union two similar queries.
This is SQL*Plus example so I'm using substitution variable. You'd use parameter as is in your code (maybe a bind variable - :par_portfolio
, or just parameter's name if you pass it to a stored procedure - par_portfolio
Sample data:
SQL> with test (fee, date_from, date_until, single_portfolio) as
2 (select 30003, date '2020-03-05', date '2020-03-08', 1885 from dual union all
3 select 30003, date '2020-03-05', date '2020-03-09', null from dual union all
4 select 30003, date '2020-03-05', date '2020-03-11', null from dual
5 )
6 -- PAR_PORTFOLIO exists in table
7 select *
8 from test a
9 where fee = 30003
10 and date '2020-03-08' between date_from and date_until
11 and single_portfolio = &&par_portfolio
12 and exists (select null from test where single_portfolio = &&par_portfolio)
13 union all
14 -- PAR_PORTFOLIO doesn't exist in table
15 select *
16 from test
17 where fee = 30003
18 and date '2020-03-08' between date_from and date_until
19 and (single_portfolio <> &&par_portfolio or single_portfolio is null)
20 and not exists (select null from test where single_portfolio = &&par_portfolio);
Test #1: existing portfolio:
Enter value for par_portfolio: 1885
---------- --------- --------- ----------------
30003 05-MAR-20 08-MAR-20 1885
Test #2: portfolio doesn't exist so query returns all rows:
SQL> undefine par_portfolio
SQL> /
Enter value for par_portfolio: 1111
---------- --------- --------- ----------------
30003 05-MAR-20 11-MAR-20
30003 05-MAR-20 09-MAR-20
30003 05-MAR-20 08-MAR-20 1885