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How to replace a string in a file using jenkins pipeline script

I am trying to edit a file package.json and trying to replace a string("version:1") inside it using jenkins pipeline script. I have written below script but its not working.

def readContent = readFile './package.json'

updatedProp = readContent.replaceAll("version:.*","version:${env.ReleaseNumber}.${BUILD_NUMBER},")
writeFile file: './package.json', text: "${updatedProp}"

package.json file contains below content.

    "name": "application",
    "version": "1.0.0"

I request to correct me and help me building the code.


  • Check the following code.

    def data = readJSON file: 'package.json'
    String val = "${ReleaseNumber}"
    data['version'] = val
    writeJSON file: 'package.json', json: data,  overwrite: true

    Update with prettyfy

    You will have to import JsonOutput hence add import groovy.json.JsonOutput before the pipeline.

    def data = readJSON file: 'package.json'
    String val = "${ReleaseNumber}"
    data['version'] = val
    def formtted = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(data))
    writeFile file: 'package.json', text: formtted,  overwrite: true