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Laravel Schedule Command Not Working In EC2 with Sail

I have the laravel app running with Sail in EC2 Ubuntu AWS server.

I already have the command emails:send-weekly that I have tested with both php artisan emails:send-weekly and ./vendor/bin/sail emails:send-weekly working as expected which is sending emails to all users in my app.

But when I add laravel schedule in app/Console/Kernel.php:

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
        $schedule->command('emails:send-weekly')->weeklyOn(3, '13:00')->timezone('Asia/Jakarta');

    protected function commands()

        require base_path('routes/console.php');

The schedule is not working, I can see that the schedule list next due is counting down, but after the count down is over, I have not receive any email.

I have tried php artisan schedule:list and ./vendor/bin/sail schedule:list, both of them returning:

40 23 * * 3 php artisan emails:send-weekly . Next Due: 6 days from now.

Please tell me how to fix this? is there anything I need to set up to enable the schedule?


  • Turns out I forgot to set up my crontab. By opening crontab with 'crontab -e' and adding this code at the end of my crontab, the scheduler works as expected:

    40 23 * * 3 cd laravel && php artisan emails:send-weekly >> /dev/null 2>&1