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"pod lib lint" command throws error with mixed objective-c and objective-c++ files

I try to create a simple cocoapods library with objective-c and objective-c++ files. When executing the command pod lib lint I get an error.

Pod structure:

  • mypod

    • src

      • // A.h
        #pragma once
        #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
        NSString* foo(void);
        NSString* bar(void);
      • // A.m
        #import "foo.h"
        #import "bar.h"
        NSString* foo() {
          return @"Foo";
        NSString* bar() {
          int myInt = getValue();
          return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myInt];
      • // B.h
        #pragma once
        int getValue(void);
      • //
        #import "bar.h"
        int getValue(void)
          return 2;
    • mypod.podspec do |spec|
                     = 'mypod'
          spec.version                  = '1.0'
          spec.homepage                 = 'mypod'
          spec.source                   = { :git => "Not Published", :tag => "Cocoapods/#{}/#{spec.version}" }
          spec.authors                  = ''
          spec.license                  = ''
          spec.summary                  = 'mypod'
          spec.ios.deployment_target    = '13.5'
          spec.source_files             = 'src/A.h', 'src/A.m', 'src/B.h', 'src/'
          spec.private_header_files     = 'src/A.h'
          spec.public_header_files      = 'src/B.h'
          spec.library = "c++"
          spec.pod_target_xcconfig      = {
          "OTHER_LDFLAGS" => "-lstdc++",
          'LANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD' => 'c++20',
          'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY' => 'libc++',
          'ARCHS' => 'arm64'

Executing the command `pod lib lint --platforms=ios --verbose` on an M1 mac throws an error:

    Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
      "_getValue", referenced from:
          _bar in foo.o
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    ** BUILD FAILED **

Does somebody know what's the problem?


  • When importing the sames headers into C++ and Objective-C compilation units, you have to wrap the declarations with extern "C" guards to avoid their names being mangled when linking:

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    int getValue(void);
    #ifdef __cplusplus