I got the following error, when adding the NuGet-package Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.Resources:
TabbedPageRenderer is not abstract and does not override abstract method onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem) in OnItemSelectedListener public class TabbedPageRenderer
For resolving this, I wanted to update the package Xamarin.Forms but this didn't work as well.
Are there any solutions for this?
You have to add the following code manually to the .csproj file of the project you are currently working on:
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.AppCompat.Resources" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Browser" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Core" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Google.Android.Material">
For me, this allowed me to update Xamarin.Forms package. And after cleaning and rebuilding the project this solved it for me.