Hello I basically want to toggle multiple div from active to inactive based on id or key.
Why cant i do something like this ?
<div className={ (activeId === 2? 'activecolumn' : 'inactivecolumn') && 'card middlecolumn mb-10 pt-2 pb-2 pl-2' } id="2" onClick={toggleMiddle.bind( 2)} >
I had to do this
<div className={ (activeId === 2? 'activecolumn card middlecolumn mb-10 pt-2 pb-2 pl-2' : 'inactivecolumn card middlecolumn mb-10 pt-2 pb-2 pl-2') } id="2" onClick={toggleMiddle.bind( 2)} >
I wish this was easy to do inline it's not jquery anymore.
You can simplify this by using template literals
className={`${activeId === 2 ? 'activecolumn' : 'inactivecolumn'} card middlecolumn mb-10 pt-2 pb-2 pl-2`}
The 1st one is incorrect because if you notice you are doing something like 'myTruthyString' && 'another string'
. Javascript will return the last truthy value when using && operator with strings, in this case it will only return the 'another string'
This question/answer might explain it a little better than I did.