In a stateful widget, all radios are in a Dialog widget :
class YourState extends State<YourWidget> {
Item _item;
Widget build(context){
if (_item == null) {
_item = itemList[0]; //data set up just before
} *(1)*
List<Widget> childs = [];
child: Material(
child: RadioListTile<Area>(
activeColor: appPrimaryColor,
title: Text(,
value: item,
selected: item == _item,
groupValue: _item,
onChanged: (Item value) {
if (value != null) {
setState(() => _item = value);
print(_item == value);
So here is my problem, the radiobutton state is not updating when tapped. When I open the dialog it does show that my selection to first item is working (1), but it doesn't change to selected when tapped. The prints does return true and _item value has the right value.
You should keep Item _item;
in class properties.
class YourState extends State<YourWidget> {
Item? _item;//Declare here
Widget build(context){
if (_item == null) {
_item = itemList[0]; //data set up just on initial
List<Widget> childs = [];
child: Material(
child: RadioListTile<Area>(
activeColor: appPrimaryColor,
title: Text(,
value: item,
selected: item == _item,
groupValue: _item,
onChanged: (Item value) {
if (value != null) {
setState(() => _item = value);
print(_item == value);
Following code is working for me..
class YourWidget extends StatefulWidget {
const YourWidget({super.key});
State<YourWidget> createState() => _YourWidgetState();
class _YourWidgetState extends State<YourWidget> {
List<Area> items = List.generate(6, (index) => Area('Name: $index'));
Area? _item;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_item ??= items[0];
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: items.length,
physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(),
itemBuilder: (context, int i) {
final item = items[i];
return RadioListTile<Area>(
activeColor: Colors.teal,
title: Text(,
value: item,
selected: item == _item,
groupValue: _item,
onChanged: (Area? value) {
if (value != null) {
setState(() => _item = value);
print(_item == value);
class Area {
final String name;