Please help, on the first run, I executed the send_code() function and saved the phone_code_hash, on the second run, I executed main() with the code received from the telegram and the hash code saved from the send_code function, but when sign_in I get an error that the code has expired, although all data is correct.
client = Client(
async def send_code(phone_number):
await client.connect()
result = await client.send_code(phone_number)
phone_code_hash = result.phone_code_hash
async def main(phone_number, phone_code, phone_hash_code):
await client.connect()
result = await client.sign_in(phone_number=phone_number, phone_code=phone_code, phone_code_hash=phone_hash_code)
I tried to find information but didn't find it.
Here is example to login with pyrogram.
client = Client("sessions", api_id, api_hash)
sent_code = client.send_code(phone)
code = input("Enter the code : ")
signed_in = client.sign_in(phone, sent_code.phone_code_hash, code)