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why doesn't offset work in plotly go.Bar() when axis is datetime?

With go.Bar() one can pass an offset parameter that shifts the position of a bar within the group (barmode is set to 'overlay' for traces with an offset).

This works fine when the x-axis is numeric: go.Bar() with offset and a regular numeric axis but seems to not work when the x-axis is of datetime format: The same data with datetime index

Is this a bug or a feature? and can offsets work with datetime axes?

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import pandas as pd
from random import random

# generage a datetime index

dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([,10,10) + timedelta(x) for x in range(10)]) # datetime index
# dates = range(10) # a list of int; uncomment to see offset 

fig = go.Figure()

for i in range(3):
    s = pd.Series(
        [5*(random()-0.5) for x in range(len(dates))], # random values
        index = dates

            x = s.index,
            y = s,
            offset = 0.15*(i-1),  # has no effect with datetime index


  • The offset is given in axis units.

    When the axis is of type datetime, apparently the unit is a nanosecond (1ns = 1e-9 seconds)

    So to notice an offset, you should adjust the magnitude of the offset accordingly.

    If you set

    offset = 1e7*(i-1), 
    width = 2e7 # also in axis units 

    you get:enter image description here