I'm attempting to iterate through a CSV file and assign the data within each row into new tables, based on unique IDs. The unique IDs are found within the 'Unit' column - please find the formatting of the CSV file below:
Easting | Northing | Elevation_OD | Chainage | FC | Profile | Reg_ID | Unit |
245932.499 | 200226.982 | 5.464 | 148.997 | CE | N/A | 8c12.11_021 | 8c12.11 |
245932.460 | 200225.448 | 5.214 | 150.530 | S | N/A | 8c12.11_021 | 8c12.11 |
245932.485 | 200224.993 | 5.111 | 153.222 | S | N/A | 8c12.1_001 | 8c12.1 |
Essentially, I need to iterate through all of the rows and compile rows which belong to the same 'Unit' and then create subsequent 'Unit' tables.
Here's my code from my answer on my previous question showing how I obtain the unique IDs:
data =
unit_str = string(data.Reg_ID);
split = cellfun(@(x) strsplit(x, '_'), unit_str, 'UniformOutput',
split_unit_cell = cell2table(split);
split_unit = splitvars(split_unit_cell)
unit = table2array(split_unit(:,1));
data.Unit = unit;
Ids = unique(data.Unit);
NID = numel(Ids);
Aside: I added a much simpler way to generate the ID as a new answer to your linked question.
You can generate a group number (one per unique ID) using findgroups
gidx = findgroups( data.Unit );
Then you can split the table by the group, and assign each group to a cell
N = max(gidx); % gidx contains values [1,2,...,N] for N unique IDs
units = cell(N,1); % pre-allocate an output cell
% Loop over the IDs and assign the subsets of data
for ii = 1:N
units{ii} = data( gidx==ii, : );
For what it's worth, you might want to think about your workflow. It's usually easier to continue manipulating data in a single table.