I would like to create an animated bar plot that increases at specified times, synchronized with another plot (links to both gifs at bottom). Whenever the ball hits the right side wall I'd like it to display as a synchronized increase in the bar graph.
The data (bar_data) is filtered from a data set of 17000 time steps. There is only 4 occasions where the ball hits the wall, so 4 occasions where the impulse should increase on the bar graph.
The data:
impulse <- c(8e-24, 8e-24, 8e-24, 8e-24)
cume_impulse <- c(8.0e-24, 1.6e-24, 2.4e-24, 3.2e-24) #cumulative total
time_steps <- c(1.132, 6.136, 11.140, 16.144) #time step at which the increase occurs
bar_data <- data.frame(time_steps, impulse, cume_impulse)
summary of my task:
I've managed to get the animations paired into the same gif, but I can't get the timing right.
Here's what I've tried so far:
plots <- bar_data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x_pos, y = cume_impulse)) + geom_col()
#label the animation for the bar plot as bar_anim
bar_anim <- plots + transition_time(time_steps)
#set the parameters and display the bar plot animation
bar_gif <- animate(bar_anim, height = 500, width = 800, fps = 20, duration = 20)
#save the bar plot to a gif file
anim_save("bar_impulse.gif", bar_gif)
#the following two lines are required before the image_append function will process
mgif_particle <- image_read(particle_gif)
mgif_bar <- image_read(bar_gif)
#join the first fraomes of the gifs
paired_gif <- image_append(c(mgif_particle[1], mgif_bar[1]))
for(i in 2:317){
combined <- image_append(c(mgif_particle[i], mgif_bar[i]))
paired_gif <- c(paired_gif, combined)
anim_save("bar_plus_particle.gif", paired_gif)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gif links: bar gif ball motion gif
additional details. This code precedes the code above:
m <- 1e-26 #Mass of a particle in kg
vx_i <- 400 #initial x velocity in m/s
vy_i <- 200 #initial y velocity in m/s
#creating variables for the initial coordinates of the particle
x_i <- round(runif(n = 1, min = 0,max = 1), 3)
y_i <- round(runif(n = 1, min = 0,max = 1), 3)
#initialise vectors that will be added to a data frame
x_pos <- round(seq(x_i, (x_i + 17), 0.001), 3) #17 was an arbitrary choice to allow for a few bounces on the right wall
y_pos <- round(seq(y_i, (y_i + 17), 0.001), 3)
time_steps <- seq(0, 17.001, 0.001)
#loop to detect x direction wall contact
xv = 0.0004
for (i in 1 + seq_along(x_pos)) {
if (x_pos[i-1] > 1 | x_pos[i-1] < 0 ){xv = xv*(-1)}
x_pos[[i]] <- round(x_pos[[i-1]] + xv, 4)
#loop for y direction wall contact
yv = 0.0002
for (i in 1 + seq_along(y_pos)) {
if (y_pos[i-1] > 1 | y_pos[i-1] < 0 ){yv = yv*(-1)}
y_pos[[i]] <- round(y_pos[[i-1]] + yv, 4)
#creating a data frame with the particle's kinematic information (this line must come after the loops)
pos_data <- data.frame(x_pos, y_pos, time_steps)
graph1 = pos_data %>% ggplot(aes(x_pos, y_pos)) +
geom_point(colour = "red", size = 2) +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) + xlim(0, 1) + ylim(0, 1)
#initialising vector for x-momentum. Same length as x_pos with arbitrary values.
px <- rep(xv,length(x_pos))
#add a vector to pos_data called x_dif to pos_data that represents the change in x position between successive time steps
pos_data$x_dif <- c(0, diff(pos_data$x_pos))
# add a vector to pos_data called x_turn which will help detect changes in direction
pos_data$x_turn <- c(0, diff(sign(pos_data$x_dif)))
# add a cumulative total column for impulse on right wall called cume_impulse
pos_data$cume_impulse <- cumsum(pos_data$impulse)
#add a vector to pos_data which will include the impulse magnitude on the right wall at each time step
pos_data <- pos_data %>% mutate(impulse = case_when(abs(pos_data$x_turn) == 2 ~ 2*(vx_i*m),
abs(pos_data$x_turn) != 2 ~ 0))
graph1_animation = graph1 + transition_time(time_steps) +
labs(subtitle = "{frame_time}") + ease_aes('linear') +
shadow_wake(wake_length = 0.05) #animation code
particle_gif <- animate(graph1_animation, height = 500, width = 800, nframes = 317)
anim_save("particle_bounce.gif", particle_gif) #saves animation as a gif file
#Filter the data to only include frames that include impulse, and x_pos = 1 (right wall)
bar_data <- filter(pos_data,impulse!=0 & x_pos == 1)
#new column in bar_data called "cume_impulse" - cumulative total of the impulse on the right wall
bar_data["cume_impulse"] <- cumsum(bar_data$impulse)
Most recent adjustments:
## initial position for particle
x_i <- round(runif(n = 1, min = 0,max = 1), 3)
y_i <- round(runif(n = 1, min = 0,max = 1), 3)
## more initial conditions
m <- 1e-26 #Mass of a particle in kg
vx_i <- 400 #initial x velocity in m/s
vy_i <- 200 #initial y velocity in m/s
#initialise vectors that will be added to a data frame
x_pos <- round(seq(x_i, (x_i + 17), 0.001), 3)
y_pos <- round(seq(y_i, (y_i + 17), 0.001), 3)
time_steps <- seq(0, 17.001, 0.001)
#xv_column <- seq(0, 17.001, 0.001) # don't think this is necessary
#loop for x direction wall contact
xv = 0.0004
for (i in 1 + seq_along(x_pos)) {
if (x_pos[i-1] > 1 | x_pos[i-1] < 0 ){xv = xv*(-1)}
x_pos[[i]] <- round(x_pos[[i-1]] + xv, 4)
#loop for y direction wall contact
yv = 0.0002
for (i in 1 + seq_along(y_pos)) {
if (y_pos[i-1] > 1 | y_pos[i-1] < 0 ){yv = yv*(-1)}
y_pos[[i]] <- round(y_pos[[i-1]] + yv, 4)
#creating a data frame with the particle's kinematic information (this line must come after the loops)
pos_data <- data.frame(x_pos, y_pos, time_steps)
#initialising vector for x-momentum. Same length as x_pos with arbitrary values.
px <- rep(xv,length(x_pos))
#add a vector to pos_data called x_dif to pos_data that represents the change in x position between successive time steps
pos_data$x_dif <- c(0, diff(pos_data$x_pos))
# add a vector to pos_data called x_turn which will help detect changes in direction
pos_data$x_turn <- c(0, diff(sign(pos_data$x_dif)))
#add a vector to pos_data which will include the impulse magnitude on the right wall at each time step
pos_data <- pos_data %>% mutate(impulse = case_when(abs(pos_data$x_turn) == 2 ~ 2*(vx_i*m),
abs(pos_data$x_turn) != 2 ~ 0))
# add a cumulative total column for impulse on right wall called cume_impulse
pos_data$cume_impulse <- cumsum(pos_data$impulse)
## ------------------------------------ tjebo's ------------------------------------------------------
## --- I may have misunderstood which data you used.Did you use the the length 4 vectors below for the bar_data frame?
## ---- I presumed not, so I made the bar_data frame similar length to pos_data.
## using your pos_data frame and impulse vector
## I have changed the order of cume_impulse, because it somehow made more sense
#cume_impulse <- c(1.6e-24, 2.4e-24, 3.2e-24, 8.0e-24)
## time steps need to be character, for the later merge
#time_steps <- as.character(c(1.132, 6.136, 11.140, 16.144))
bar_data <- data.frame(pos_data$time_steps, pos_data$impulse, pos_data$cume_impulse)
df1 <- pos_data %>% mutate(time_steps = as.character(time_steps))
# --- data frames wouldn't merge because of the automatic name change to the columns. This was how I fixed that. Unsure why this didn't effect you
names(bar_data)[names(bar_data)=="pos_data.time_steps"] <- "time_steps"
names(bar_data)[names(bar_data)=="pos_data.cume_impulse"] <- "cume_impulse"
names(bar_data)[names(bar_data)=="pos_data.impulse"] <- "impulse"
# --- I fragmented the code to help me understand the individual commands, and also to locate where it was breaking down
df2 <- pos_data %>% left_join(bar_data, by = "time_steps")
df3 <- pos_data %>% bind_rows(., .)
df4 <- df3 %>% mutate(
time_steps = as.numeric(time_steps),
panel = rep(c("bar", "dot"), each = nrow(pos_data)),
## removing x and y for the bar panel
across(c(x_pos, y_pos), ~ifelse(panel == "bar", NA, .x))
## --- I wasn't quite sure what this command was for
df5 <- df4 %>% fill(cume_impulse)
## --- I presumed this converted the NA's into zeros in cume_impulse?
df5$cume_impulse[is.na(df5$cume_impulse)] <- 0
## --- Looks like this converts the cume_impulse values that correspond to dot as NA. Unsure why it's necessary though.
df5$cume_impulse[df5$panel == "dot"] <- NA
times <- sort(sample(unique(df5$time_steps), 100))
df_frac <- df5[df5$time_steps %in% times, ]
## dummy data for facet range
bar_range <- data.frame(x= .5, cume_impulse = range(df5$cume_impulse, na.rm = T), panel = "bar")
## separate out the aesthetics to the respective layers
p <-
ggplot(df_frac) +
geom_blank(data = bar_range, aes(x = .5, y = cume_impulse)) +
## need position = "identity"
geom_col(aes(x = .5, y = cume_impulse), na.rm = T, position = "identity") +
geom_point(aes(x_pos, y_pos), na.rm = T) +
facet_wrap(~panel, scales = "free_y") +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))
p_anim <- p + transition_time(time_steps)
# this is not random = there are 100 unique time steps, and now 100 frames
animate(p_anim, fps = 20, duration = 5)
You could make your life (and your code :) a bit easier by creating those two plots as one single plot - using facets. This requires just a bit of data hacking, so that you create two separate panels.
The biggest challenge is actually to generate two different "ease_aes" for geom_bar and geom_point. As both geom layers are using the same aesthetic (x and y), we cannot simply define ease_aes
for one of those aesthetics. I don't think one can define two different ease_aes
for different geoms without a little hack. You have already quite a lot of intermediate time steps - I am merging this data with the bar code data and the removing the x/y according to the facet panel. The merge only properly works when your time values are character, probably because of floating point issues. Because my computer is not great and it is extremely computationally intense to compute 17000 frames, I will reduce the data drastically.
The only issue that I see which is still left, is that gganimate seems to switch the aesthetic "between" frames - thus the bar increases with a small delay when compared with the dot touching the wall. I guess this can be tolerable. Maybe there are ways to change this by using different transition objects. I don't know.
## using your pos_data frame and impulse vector
## I have changed the order of cume_impulse, because it somehow made more sense
cume_impulse <- c(1.6e-24, 2.4e-24, 3.2e-24, 8.0e-24)
## time steps need to be character, for the later merge
time_steps <- as.character(c(1.132, 6.136, 11.140, 16.144))
bar_data <- data.frame(time_steps, impulse, cume_impulse)
df <-
pos_data %>%
## you need time steps as character for a correct merging - probably a floating point issue
mutate(time_steps = as.character(time_steps)) %>%
left_join(bar_data, by = "time_steps") %>%
bind_rows(., .) %>%
## adding a facetting variable
time_steps = as.numeric(time_steps),
panel = rep(c("bar", "dot"), each = nrow(pos_data)),
## removing x and y for the bar panel
across(c(x_pos, y_pos), ~ifelse(panel == "bar", NA, .x))
) %>%
## giving values to all time steps
df$cume_impulse[is.na(df$cume_impulse)] <- 0
## removing y for dot panel
df$cume_impulse[df$panel == "dot"] <- NA
## I am reducing the data to a mere fraction, because you get the same plot with way
## less computation (also, otherwise my computer is crashing).
## I do this after merging etc so not to accidentally remove the bar values
## I'm deliberately selecting 100 unique time steps for the animation (so that frame number is equivalent to time stamps)
times <- sort(sample(unique(df$time_steps), 100))
df_frac <- df[df$time_steps %in% times, ]
## dummy data for facet range
bar_range <- data.frame(x= .5, cume_impulse = range(df$cume_impulse, na.rm = T), panel = "bar")
## separate out the aesthetics to the respective layers
p <-
ggplot(df_frac) +
geom_blank(data = bar_range, aes(x = .5, y = cume_impulse)) +
## need position = "identity"
geom_col(aes(x = .5, y = cume_impulse), na.rm = T, position = "identity") +
geom_point(aes(x_pos, y_pos), na.rm = T) +
facet_wrap(~panel, scales = "free_y") +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))
p_anim <- p + transition_time(time_steps)
## this is not random = there are 100 unique time steps, and now 100 frames
animate(p_anim, fps = 20, duration = 5)