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How to share values between different classes in Android?

Currently I am developing an app where I have to save values of different types of data and access the data from multiple classes when needed. Currently I am using Object(singleton) classes for that. like below:

    object VLineDataHolder {
        private val _logsProgress = MutableStateFlow(0)
        val logsProgress: StateFlow<Int>
            get() = _logsProgress
        fun setLogsProgress(logsProgress: Int) {
            _logsProgress.value = logsProgress

I am just not sure If I am doing it in a right way, I don't actually need to persist the data after user exits the app that's why I am not using any DataStore or SharedPreferences here. Can any one explain if it is the good solution or not?


  • You can use mutuable shared flow inside singleton class and creating a Bus type pattern. Just push the data and observe it from anywhere. As example I want to be noticed whenever use login event happens

    object EventBusKotlin {
    private val _events = MutableSharedFlow<AuthEvents>()
    val events = _events.asSharedFlow()
    suspend fun publish(event: AuthEvents) {
    suspend inline fun <reified T> subscribe(crossinline onEvent: (T) -> Unit) {
            .collectLatest { event ->
    sealed class AuthEvents

    Event model

    data class LoginEvent(
    val userId: String,
    val userName: String


    lateinit var eventBus: EventBusKotlin
      //push/publish event
      suspend fun postLoginEvent(loginEvent: LoginEvent) {
    // subscribing and listening latest event
    fun subscribeLoginEvent(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner) {
        lifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
            eventBus.subscribe<AuthEvents> { event ->
                when (event) {
                    is LoginEvent -> Log.d(
                        "${event.userName} logged-in successfully"