I have many map markers with the exact same lat/long cords so no matter how far in I zoom my map still shows the marker cluster and the number of results.
Is there a way to have some onclick or onhover event so that it shows an info box with all of the markers in that cluster in a list? Then clicking a link within that info box opens up that individual marker info box?
I've read solutions to change the lat, long by a small amount so that they aren't the same location. I think that is very messy and not that good anyways if there ends up being multiple markers 10+ anyways at the same locationg. I think it'd be much easier for a user to just click the cluster and bring up the info window with all of those markers in there with links.
Or if someone knows another plugin that does what I am seeking I could work with that too. I just haven't found much info on it.
There might be a plug in out there to do what you want, but it's also possible to do without one. I did something like that in one of my projects.
attributes that will open the marker info window.My code was tucked away into functions, but it was basically just this:
//1) while creating marker, create click listener that opens the marker list
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
markerList.open(map, marker);
//2) store the content required by the marker's info windows
var markers = [
[marker1Reference, "The Stadium"],
[maerker2Reference, "The Supermarket"]
//3) the function that is called each time a marker is chosen from the marker list
function openMarkerInfo(markerIndex) {
markerWindow.open(map, markers[markerIndex][0]);
//4) info window for the marker list - the content includes JS onclick events that will open each marker info window
markerList = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: "Choose:<br><br><div href='' class='markerLink' onclick='openMarkerInfo(0)'>The Stadium</div><br><div href='' class='markerLink' onclick='openMarkerInfo(1)'>My House</div>"
//5) the marker window that will get set each time a marker is clicked in the list
markerWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
Hope that helps!