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gather() remove the row names of my dataframe. how can I have this row names?

when I use tidyr's gather() function and manipulate my dataframe, I lose row names of prev. data frame.

this is output of my rstudio console

> DF <-, row.names = rownames(Games), col.names = colnames(Games))
> head(DF)
                   2005     2006     2007     2008     2009     2010     2011     2012     2013     2014
KobeBryant     8.700000 8.662338 7.597561 5.890244 6.013699 5.890244 6.568966 6.730769 3.000000 5.600000
JoeJohnson     3.182927 4.122807 3.853659 3.784810 2.894737 2.708333 2.633333 1.833333 2.012658 1.762500
LeBronJames    7.607595 6.269231 7.320000 7.333333 7.802632 6.367089 6.241935 5.302632 5.701299 5.434783
CarmeloAnthony 7.162500 7.061538 6.025974 5.621212 7.362319 6.584416 5.363636 6.343284 5.961039 4.725000
DwightHoward   4.341463 4.756098 6.451220 6.379747 5.890244 7.000000 5.203704 4.671053 4.915493 3.487805
ChrisBosh      6.771429 6.710145 7.044776 6.545455 6.714286 4.987013 4.017544 3.256757 2.822785 4.068182
> DF_gathered <- DF %>%
+   gather('2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', key = 'year', value = 'freeThrowsPerGame')
> head(DF_gathered)
  year freeThrowsPerGame
1 2005          8.700000
2 2005          3.182927
3 2005          7.607595
4 2005          7.162500
5 2005          4.341463
6 2005          6.771429

after I pipe my DF into gather() I expected the rownames to remain.


  • as rownames must have unique values, I can't have rownames as rownames after gather(), so I use rownames_to_column() to have rownames as the 1st column and also after gather(), I can't use column_to_rownames("player"), due to unique values problem.

    thanks @m-aurélio.