so I know we cannot bind rvalue reference to an lvalue, so the following code won't compile:
class Base {};
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::shared_ptr<Base> base = std::make_shared<Base>();
std::shared_ptr<Base>&& ref = base;
but the next code can compile, and I can't figure out why.
class Base {};
class Derived : public Base {};
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::shared_ptr<Derived> derived = std::make_shared<Derived>();
std::shared_ptr<Base>&& ref = derived;
With type deduction, auto&&
and T&&
are forward reference
, because they can be lvaue reference, const reference or rvalue reference.
But here is no type deduction in my case(or what I think), maybe in share_ptr, but I'm referencing share_ptr itself, not its underlying object, so I'm stuck.
is implicitly convertible to std::shared_ptr<Base>
. When that happens, a new, temporary object is created, which a std::shared_ptr<Base>&&
can bind to. Since that object is a prvalue, its lifetime gets extended to the lifetime of the reference.