I would like to take two different datasets as an input and get the as an output the concatenation of the two datasets. There is a function in python pandas that do this job, called concat (https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.concat.html).
Is there a simple way to that in Talend?
dataset 1:
Column A | Column B |
A | B |
AA | BB |
dataset 2:
Column B | Column C |
AB | C |
BA | CC |
After concatenation you get:
Column A | Column B | Column C |
A | B | NaN |
AA | BB | NaN |
NaN | AB | C |
NaN | BA | CC |
Tried with the tmap component but it seems like is not possible to concat the datasets with that component.
Talend has a tUnite component for this purpose but it requires heterogeneous datasets you can use tMaps to make the datasets Heterogenous.
please see the tMap config