I'm using Treesitter with Neovim v0.8.2 and Python. With a default configuration of those 3, python docstrings are highlighted as strings, and I'd like to highlight them as comments.
I've tried creating a ~/.config/nvim/after/syntax/python.vim file with
syn region Comment start=/"""/ end=/"""/
and I expected """<things here>""" to be highlighted as comments.
I'm guessing this is because treesitter is disabling syntax highlighting, so on that note has anyone been able to add custom highlighting rules to Treesitter or after it?
checkout https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/issues/4392
it's quite the read, but you can override how treesitter parses the objects in the document/buffer, can't take credit for the below solution, but should get you where you need to be.
; Module docstring
(module . (expression_statement (string) @comment))
; Class docstring
body: (block . (expression_statement (string) @comment)))
; Function/method docstring
body: (block . (expression_statement (string) @comment)))
; Attribute docstring
((expression_statement (assignment)) . (expression_statement (string) @comment))