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How to expand a NTTP parameter pack with a fold expression

I have a function (bar) that takes a pack of NTTP, hax can I expand the pack using fold expression so that each element of the pack is the template parameter of another function (foo).

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>

struct TestStruct

template <typename Type>
struct TypedTestDesc {
  using TestTypeT = Type;
  const char* m_typeName;

template <auto TypedTestDesc>
void foo()
  if constexpr (std::is_default_constructible_v<typename TypedTestDesc::Type>) {
    std::cout << TypedTestDesc.m_typeName << "\n";
    typename TypedTestDesc::Type tmp {};

template <auto ...TypedTestDescList>
void bar()
  (foo<TypedTestDesc>(), ...);

int main()

In Msvc, I get this error:

(27): error C7515: a fold expression must contain an unexpanded parameter pack


  • This works:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <type_traits>
    struct TestStruct
    template <typename Type>
    struct TypedTestDesc {
      using TestTypeT = Type;
      const char* m_typeName;
    template <auto desc>
    void foo()
      using DescType = typename decltype(desc)::TestTypeT;
      if constexpr (std::is_default_constructible_v<DescType>) {
        std::cout << desc.m_typeName << "\n";
        DescType tmp {};
    template <auto ...TypedTestDescList>
    void bar()
      (foo<TypedTestDescList>(), ...);
    int main()
      static const char name[] = "TestStruct";
      bar<TypedTestDesc<TestStruct>{name}, TypedTestDesc<TestStruct>{name}>();
