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Create reduced set of combinations with nextflow tuple channel

I have a question regarding nextflow and how to process the following channel of tuples and two single elements:

tuple_ch = Channel.of([['a','a','a','a'], 

How could I transform tuple_ch to look like this (so its now a list of tuples):


I would need an input like this for my next process in the pipeline.


  • The first thing I should mention is that the first channel you created is not a 2-element channel. It's a single-element channel containing

    [[a, a, a, a], [B, B, B, B], [m, m, m, m], 1, 2]

    This is easy to verify. Just .view() your channel and you'll see it's a single-element channel as it has a single emission.

    Anyway, if you want to convert that original channel of yours to the version you showed at the end you can use the transpose operator:


    The output:

    [[a, B, m, 1, 2],
     [a, B, m, 1, 2],
     [a, B, m, 1, 2],
     [a, B, m, 1, 2]]