I haven't been able to find a way how to run a custom method before and after a parametrized test.
Do you know if there is a way for JUnit 5?
Something like I saw for JUnit 4: https://junit.org/junit4/javadoc/4.13/org/junit/runners/Parameterized.BeforeParam.html
Edit: I would need something like this:
class BeforeAfterParameterizedTest {
void setUp() {
System.out.println("invoke custom method before parameterized test");
@ValueSource(strings = {"foo", "bar"})
void test(String s) {
void tearDown() {
System.out.println("invoke custom method after parameterized test");
With output:
invoke custom method before parameterized test
invoke custom method after parameterized test
Lifecycle methods are also executed for parameterized tests, so you can invoke your custom method(s) in @BeforeEach
class BeforeAfterParameterizedTest {
void setUp() {
System.out.println("invoke custom method before each parameterized test");
@ValueSource(strings = {"foo", "bar"})
void test(String s) {
void tearDown() {
System.out.println("invoke custom method after each parameterized test");
invoke custom method before each parameterized test
invoke custom method after each parameterized test
invoke custom method before each parameterized test
invoke custom method after each parameterized test
EDIT: Given your comment:
[…] I need my custom method to be executed only once before all and after all runs of the parametrized test, so from your example I would need output: invoke custom method before all parameterized test foo bar invoke custom method after all parameterized test
You can use @BeforeAll
and @AfterAll
class BeforeAfterParameterizedTest {
static void setUpOnce() {
System.out.println("invoke custom method before all parameterized tests");
@ValueSource(strings = {"foo", "bar"})
void test(String s) {
static void tearDownOnce() {
System.out.println("invoke custom method after all parameterized tests");
invoke custom method before all parameterized tests
invoke custom method after all parameterized tests
If your test class contains other tests you don't want the custom method to be executed for, you can wrap the parameterized test and the setup / teardown methods in a nested test. (Note that you need Java 16+ to have static methods in inner classes, see JEP 395.)