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In PDDL, how can I access time since *start* as a variable?

I know that in durative effects, I can compute based on #t, which is some flavor of elapsed time. But from the examples I see, it seems to be more like the duration of the effect itself: for instance, boil water, and heat it by a certain amount for the time it boils. Whereas, I want to have a cost that factors in total elapsed time since the start of the entire plan. Is that a different variable?

I tried (increase (total-cost) (* #t (num-not-yet-fixed ?group))) Where the num-not-yet-fixed goes down over time, and the idea is to increase the cost by a higher value if more things being "fixed" are fixed later rather than earlier. But (a) popf rejected the use of #t here, it seems, and (b) it seems like even if it worked, it would be for the fixed duration of the durative effect, and not since the start of execution.


  • Any chance you can create a new function, say (now), that starts at 0, is added to linearly over time via a full-plan envelope action, and then used by the other actions to refer to things?

    Something like this...

    (:durative-action measure-time
     :precondition (begin)
     :effect (and
       (at start (going))
       (at start (not (begin)))
       (at end (not (going)))
       (increase (now) #t)
    ; all other actions have a condition (over all (going))
    ; any action that needs to refer to the current time in the plan can use the function (now)

    ...and the init would have:

    ; used so that the measure-time happens only once
    ; a function to measure the current time and use in an action
    (= (now) 0)

    ...and the goal should be modified to also include (not (going))