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Bazel pip_parse results in repository not defined

Trying to build a set up Python package dependencies with rules_python per these instructions but when running bazel build I get this error:

ERROR: error loading package under directory '':
error loading package 'zzz':
Unable to find package for @my_deps//:requirements.bzl:
The repository '@my_deps' could not be resolved:
Repository '@my_deps' is not defined.


load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

rules_python_version = "740825b7f74930c62f44af95c9a4c1bd428d2c53" # Latest @ 2021-06-23
    name = "rules_python",
    sha256 = "3474c5815da4cb003ff22811a36a11894927eda1c2e64bf2dac63e914bfdf30f",
    strip_prefix = "rules_python-{}".format(rules_python_version),
    url = "{}.zip".format(rules_python_version),

and the BUILD file:

load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_parse")

   name = "my_deps",
   requirements_lock = "requirements.txt",
load("@my_deps//:requirements.bzl", "install_deps", "requirement")

Is pip_parse responsible for creating the repository @my_deps? If so, why can't it be found by load?

If it matters, this is on Windows 10.


  • pip_parse should go into the WORKSPACE file, not the BUILD file.

    If you put it in the BUILD file by mistake, you might get this error.

    Hopefully this helps a future searcher who might make the same mistake.