I'm having difficulties understanding about the OpenGL perspective view. I've read tons of information however it didn't help me trying to achieve what I'm after. Which is making sure my 3d scene is filling the entire screen on every Android device.
To test this, I will be drawing a quad in 3d space which in the end should touch every corner, filling up the whole device's screen. I could then use this quad, or actually its coordinates to specify a bounding box at a certain Z distance which I could use to put my geometry and making sure those fill up my screen. When the screen resizes, or I am to run it on another screen resolution, I would recalculate this bounding box and geometry. I'm not talking about static geometry, but for instance say I want to fill the screen with balls and it doesn't matter how big or how many balls there are, the only important thing is the screen is filled and there are no redundant balls outside the visible frustum.
I actually want to be able to programmaticaly position geometry against the viewport borders within 3d space at any resolution/window for any arbitrary Android device.
Note: I have a flash background which uses a stage (visual area) with a known width x height at any resolution which makes it easy to position/scale assets either using absolute measurements or percentual measurements. I guess I'm trying to figure out how this system applies to OpenGL's perspective view.
I guess this post using gluUnproject answers the question.