I have some lists which look like:
Date Formación bruta de capital fijo (real, índice) Consumo privado (real, índice) IRS 1Y
1Q80 1980-03-30 NA NA NA
2Q80 1980-06-30 NA NA NA
3Q80 1980-09-30 NA NA NA
4Q80 1980-12-30 NA NA NA
1Q81 1981-03-30 NA NA NA
2Q81 1981-06-30 NA NA NA
Renta bruta disponible familias (nominal)
1Q80 NA
2Q80 NA
3Q80 NA
4Q80 NA
1Q81 NA
2Q81 NA
Date IRS 1Y
1Q80 1980-03-30 NA
2Q80 1980-06-30 NA
3Q80 1980-09-30 NA
4Q80 1980-12-30 NA
1Q81 1981-03-30 NA
2Q81 1981-06-30 NA
Date Brent oil price (USD/barrel)
1Q80 1980-03-30 38.25
2Q80 1980-06-30 38
3Q80 1980-09-30 33.4
4Q80 1980-12-30 40.15
1Q81 1981-03-30 38.35
2Q81 1981-06-30 33.25
And also:
Date GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1 1980-03-30 3.01 0.97
2 1980-06-30 1.81 -0.72
3 1980-09-30 0.70 0.15
4 1980-12-30 0.20 -0.20
5 1981-03-30 -0.45 0.32
6 1981-06-30 0.98 0.70
Date GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1 1980-03-30 NA NA
2 1980-06-30 NA NA
3 1980-09-30 NA NA
4 1980-12-30 NA NA
5 1981-03-30 NA NA
6 1981-06-30 NA NA
Date GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1 1980-03-30 NA NA
2 1980-06-30 NA NA
3 1980-09-30 NA NA
4 1980-12-30 NA NA
5 1981-03-30 NA NA
6 1981-06-30 NA NA
Date GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1 1980-03-30 3.75 1.31
2 1980-06-30 2.52 -1.16
3 1980-09-30 1.74 0.27
4 1980-12-30 0.81 0.40
5 1981-03-30 1.26 1.76
6 1981-06-30 2.21 -0.23
Date GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1 1980-03-30 NA NA
2 1980-06-30 NA NA
3 1980-09-30 NA NA
4 1980-12-30 NA NA
5 1981-03-30 NA NA
6 1981-06-30 NA NA
I want to do 2 things:
In lst1
I want to merge the OTH
list with the SPA
and GER
list by Date
. (This will eliminate the OTH
Merge list1
and list2
, again by Date
but also not by their list names - i.e. so only SPA
and GER
will be merged since they are the only countries which appear in both lists.
Output: A single list consisting of just SPA
and GER
with OTH
merged (in list1
) and then both SPA
and GER
merged from list1
and list2
Expected output GER
(first 2 rows):
Date IRS 1Y Date Brent oil price (USD/barrel) Date GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1Q80 1980-03-30 NA 1Q80 1980-03-30 NA 1 1980-03-30 NA NA
2Q80 1980-06-30 NA 1Q80 1980-03-30 38.25 2 1980-06-30 NA NA
lst1 = list(SPA = structure(list(Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925,
4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"), `Formación bruta de capital fijo (real, índice)` = c("NA",
"NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA"), `Consumo privado (real, índice)` = c("NA",
"NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA"), `IRS 1Y` = c("NA", "NA", "NA",
"NA", "NA", "NA"), `Renta bruta disponible familias (nominal)` = c("NA",
"NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA")), row.names = c("1Q80", "2Q80",
"3Q80", "4Q80", "1Q81", "2Q81"), class = "data.frame"), GER = structure(list(
Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925, 4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"),
`IRS 1Y` = c("NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA")), row.names = c("1Q80",
"2Q80", "3Q80", "4Q80", "1Q81", "2Q81"), class = "data.frame"),
OTH = structure(list(Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925,
4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"), `Brent oil price (USD/barrel)` = c("38.25",
"38", "33.4", "40.15", "38.35", "33.25")), row.names = c("1Q80",
"2Q80", "3Q80", "4Q80", "1Q81", "2Q81"), class = "data.frame"))
lst2 = list(FRA = structure(list(Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925,
4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"), GDP....yoy. = c(3.01, 1.81,
0.7, 0.2, -0.45, 0.98), GDP....qoq. = c(0.97, -0.72, 0.15, -0.2,
0.32, 0.7)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame"), GER = structure(list(
Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925, 4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"),
GDP....yoy. = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), GDP....qoq. = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame"),
ITA = structure(list(Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925,
4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"), GDP....yoy. = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), GDP....qoq. = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame"), NOR = structure(list(Date = structure(c(3741,
3833, 3925, 4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"), GDP....yoy. = c(3.75,
2.52, 1.74, 0.81, 1.26, 2.21), GDP....qoq. = c(1.31, -1.16,
0.27, 0.4, 1.76, -0.23)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame"),
SPA = structure(list(Date = structure(c(3741, 3833, 3925,
4016, 4106, 4198), class = "Date"), GDP....yoy. = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), GDP....qoq. = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame"))
Not sure if this is the best solution, but the following code works. It uses the function left_join
from the package dplyr
Side note: Like user onyambu mentioned, having multiple date columns is not necessary. So my solution does have the dates only as rownames.
merge_oth <- function(element_to_merge, lst){
short_lst = lst[-which(names(lst) == element_to_merge)]
single_elem = lst1[[element_to_merge]]
fin_lst = lapply(short_lst, function(x){
dplyr::left_join(x, single_elem, by = "Date")
merged_list <- merge_oth(element_to_merge = "OTH", lst = lst1)
merge_by_name <- function(list_1, list_2){
keys = intersect(names(list_1), names(list_2))
fin_lst = setNames(lapply(keys, function(key) {
l1 = list_1[[key]]
l2 = list_2[[key]]
dplyr::left_join(l1, l2, by = "Date")
}), keys)
final <- merge_by_name(list_1 = merged_list, list_2 = lst2)
The resulting list contains the merged lists for SPA
and GER
and following your example the output for GER
looks like this:
Date IRS 1Y Brent oil price (USD/barrel) GDP....yoy. GDP....qoq.
1 1980-03-30 NA 38.25 NA NA
2 1980-06-30 NA 38 NA NA
3 1980-09-30 NA 33.4 NA NA
4 1980-12-30 NA 40.15 NA NA
5 1981-03-30 NA 38.35 NA NA
6 1981-06-30 NA 33.25 NA NA
I hope this helps. I took inspiration from here.