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Mongo Mongoose - How to dynamically pick the value for $in operator inside a condition?

I am ierating through an object with key value pairs, where the value is an array of objects. If certain prop (lets say title) is already in the db, I do not want to save that object containing same title. When I hard code the title as a string, it works fine If I pass a map iteration to $in, nothing works (the objects are being saved in all cases then). What am I doing wrong?

 for (let key in reports) {
            const condition = reports[key].map((x) => {
                return x.title;
            await Product.findOneAndUpdate({
                    "name": key
                        "$set": {
                            "reports": {
                                "$cond": [
                                        "$in": [
                                            //this works as expected:

                                            //this does Not work when iterating:
                                            // condition,
                                            // "$reports.title"
                                        "$concatArrays": [
                ], {new: true}) 


  • Function reports[key].map((x) => { return x.title; }) (or just reports[key].map(x => x.title)) returns an array rather than a string:

    const reports = { key1: [{ title: "IAmProduct1" }] };
    print(reports['key1'].map(x => x.title));
    -> [ 'IAmProduct1' ]

    Which is not


    Maybe $setUnion would be simpler:

       { "name": key },
             $set: {
                reports: { $setUnion: ["$reports", reports[key]] }

    Or put the condition in your filter, should be much more efficient:

       { "name": key, "reports.title": {$ne: condition } },
             "$set": {
                "reports": {
                   "$concatArrays": [
       { new: true }