I'm new to NodeJs.
I'm using PostgreSql and Express to create backend on node. The Data model's are as follow.
const UserModel = sequelize.define(
ID: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
allowNull: false,
unique: true,
UID: { type: Sequelize.STRING(10), allowNull: false, primaryKey: true },
name: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false },
contact: { type: Sequelize.STRING(10), allowNull: false },
dob: { type: Sequelize.DATEONLY, allowNull: false },
profile_image: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false },
UserModel.hasMany(PostModel, { foreignKey: "userId" });
PostModel.belongsTo(UserModel, { foreignKey: "userId", allowNull: false });
UserModel.hasMany(LikeModel, { foreignKey: "userId" });
LikeModel.belongsTo(UserModel, { foreignKey: "userId", allowNull: false });
const PostModel = sequelize.define("posts", {
ID: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
allowNull: false,
unique: true,
PID: { type: Sequelize.STRING(15), allowNull: false, primaryKey: true },
title: { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
description: { type: Sequelize.TEXT, allowNull: false },
PostModel.hasMany(LikeModel, { foreignKey: "postId" });
LikeModel.belongsTo(PostModel, { foreignKey: "postId", allowNull: false });
const LikeModel = sequelize.define("likes", {
ID: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
allowNull: false,
primaryKey: true,
userId: { type: Sequelize.STRING(10), allowNull: false },
I'm managing the relation between User table, post table and like table. I'm able to get all the posts with user details and total likes. But I want to get a key as well which tells whether the a specific user liked that post or not isLiked : true/false
for each post.
const tlsPosts = await PostModel.findAll({
order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]],
limit: 25,
offset: index === 1 ? 0 : index * 25,
where: { userId: "TMLKSH" },
include: [
model: UserModel
{ model: LikeModel },
What I'm getting
"posts": [
"ID": 2,
"desc": "wertyuiop[]",
"createdAt": "2022-12-31T05:14:25.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-12-31T05:29:48.133Z",
"userId": "ID-567hjk",
"likes": [
"ID": 3,
"userId": "ID-567hjk"
"ID": 3,
"userId": "ID-898ghj"
What I want
"posts": [
"ID": 2,
"desc": "wertyuiop[]",
"createdAt": "2022-12-31T05:14:25.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-12-31T05:29:48.133Z",
"userId": "ID-567hjk",
"isLiked": true,
"likes": 2
I tried a lot of things but they didn't work, like I can use loop as well. But I want an optimized approach and code for the same.
const tlsPosts = await PostModel.findAll({
where: { },
attributes: {
include: [
// Note this sequlize is an instance of connection.
// so import from connection config not from Sequlize library
WHERE likes."postId" = posts."ID"
AND likes."userId" = '${userId}'
], [
Sequelize.fn('COUNT', Sequelize.col('likes.postId')),
include: [
model: LikeModel,
attributes: [],
required: false,
right: false
offset: index === 1 ? 0 : index * 25,
order: [["createdAt", "DESC"]],
group: [
subQuery: false,
limit: 25,
result = {
"data": [
"ID": 4,
"PID": "PID2-UID-2",
"title": "Demo Title2 For UID1",
"description": "Demo Description",
"createdAt": "2023-02-28T04:50:33.548Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-02-28T04:50:33.548Z",
"userId": 2,
"totalLikes": "2",
"isLiked": "0"
}, {
"ID": 1,
"PID": "PID1-UID-1",
"title": "Demo Title1 For UID1",
"description": "Demo Description",
"createdAt": "2023-02-28T04:50:33.548Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-02-28T04:50:33.548Z",
"userId": 1,
"totalLikes": "3",
"isLiked": "0"
Value of isLiked
would be 1
or 0
for true, false