I wrote a code to transfer data from remote drive to local drive. However, I am getting an error
Scripting does not use standalone parameters. The parameters you have specified on command-line will not be used. Your command-line syntax is probably wrong.
Opening session using command-line parameter in scripting is deprecated. Use 'open' command instead.
Appreciate your support.
option batch abort
option confirm off
open sftp://username:password@server -hostkey="host key"
synchronize local "\\Local Path"
/remote path
Then I created a bat file,
You didn't really explain us, what did you intend to achieve with this:
So I can only guess that the SMS_BASES_SAMBA_TO DRIVE.txt
is a filename of your WinSCP script.
If that's correct, then the right syntax is:
winscp.com /script="SMS_BASES_SAMBA_TO DRIVE.txt"
That is:
switch to specify the script fileAdditionally, it's recommended to add /ini=nul
and /log=...
Note that you have the synchronize
command broken into two lines. It should be one line only and the remote path should be quoted too (if it has spaces):
synchronize local "\\Local Path" "/remote path"