We have a relational table where we store user activity. A query like the following takes 77 seconds!
FROM "site_activity"
NOT "site_activity"."is_deleted"
AND "site_activity"."user_id" = 68812389
"site_activity"."kind" IN (
"site_activity"."content_type_id" = 14
AND "site_activity"."kind" = 'created'
"site_activity"."created_at" DESC,
"site_activity"."id" DESC
The query plan looks like this
(cost=17750.72..27225.75 rows=9 width=16)
(actual time=199501.336..199501.338 rows=9 loops=1)
Output: id, created_at
Buffers: shared hit=4502362 read=693523 written=37273
I/O Timings: read=190288.205 write=446.870
-> Incremental Sort
(cost=17750.72..2003433582.97 rows=1902974 width=16)
(actual time=199501.335..199501.336 rows=9 loops=1)
Output: id, created_at
Sort Key: site_activity.created_at DESC, site_activity.id DESC
Presorted Key: site_activity.created_at
Full-sort Groups: 1 Sort Method: quicksort Average Memory: 25kB Peak Memory: 25kB
Buffers: shared hit=4502362 read=693523 written=37273
I/O Timings: read=190288.205 write=446.870
-> Index Scan Backward using site_activity_created_at_company_id_idx on public.site_activity
(cost=0.58..2003345645.30 rows=1902974 width=16)
(actual time=198971.283..199501.285 rows=10 loops=1)
Output: id, created_at
Filter: (
(NOT site_activity.is_deleted) AND (site_activity.user_id = 68812389)
AND ((site_activity.kind)::text <> ALL ('{updated,duplicated,reapplied}'::text[]))
AND ((site_activity.content_type_id <> 14) OR ((site_activity.kind)::text <> 'created'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 14735308
Buffers: shared hit=4502353 read=693523 written=37273
I/O Timings: read=190288.205 write=446.870
Settings: effective_cache_size = '261200880kB',
effective_io_concurrency = '400',
jit = 'off',
max_parallel_workers = '24',
random_page_cost = '1.5',
work_mem = '64MB'
Buffers: shared hit=344
Planning Time: 6.429 ms
Execution Time: 199501.365 ms
(22 rows)
Time: 199691.997 ms (03:19.692)
It contains a little more than 4 billion rows.
The table structure is
Table "public.site_activity"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('site_activity_id_seq'::regclass)
created_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
modified_at | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
is_deleted | boolean | | not null |
object_id | bigint | | not null |
kind | character varying(32) | | not null |
context | text | | not null |
company_id | integer | | not null |
content_type_id | integer | | not null |
user_id | integer | | |
"site_activity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"site_activity_modified_at_idx" btree (modified_at)
"site_activity_company_id_idx" btree (company_id)
"site_activity_created_at_company_id_idx" btree (created_at, company_id)
"site_activity_object_id_idx" btree (object_id)
"site_activity_content_type_id_idx" btree (content_type_id)
"site_activity_kind_idx" btree (kind)
"site_activity_kind_idx1" btree (kind varchar_pattern_ops)
"site_activity_user_id_idx" btree (user_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"site_activity_company_id_fk_site_company_id" FOREIGN KEY (company_id)
"site_activity_content_type_id_fk_django_co" FOREIGN KEY (content_type_id)
"site_activity_user_id_fk_site_user_id" FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
a. kind
is treated as an enum
. In db we store it as varchar. But in the application (python) we treat it as enum. So the values are fixed. There are around 100 values in it.
has around 80 values.
This is the distribution of values,
a. context
is actually JSON with a max 8Mb size.
a. 3 content_type_id
values holds 92% of the rows. They are 14 and 19.
a. 3 kind
consumes 75% rows. These are created
, updated
and sent
a. The combination of kind
and content_type_id
creates 460 values. Among them, 1 combination contains 35% of rows and we exclude them in the query all time.
The replica instance has type db.r5.12xlarge
. 24 cores, 48 vCPUs, 384GB Mem, storage type io1.
Start by formatting the WHERE
clause to make it easier to understand. Comes down to:
FROM site_activity s
WHERE s.user_id = 68812389
AND NOT s.is_deleted
AND s.kind <> ALL ('{updated,duplicated,reapplied}'::text[])
AND (content_type_id <> 14 OR kind <> 'created')
ORDER BY s.created_at DESC, s.id DESC
You commented you always exclude rows for these two conditions. So this partial, multicolumn index would be the optimum:
CREATE INDEX ON public.site_activity (user_id, created_at, id)
WHERE NOT is_deleted
AND (content_type_id <> 14 OR kind <> 'created')
Adding id
only makes sense if there are many rows with the same (user_id, created_at)
. Else drop id
from the index.
Excluding large, irrelevant parts of the table from the index can pay for such big indexes. (But you may prevent HOT updates for changes on any of the columns involved in the index, including the ones in the WHERE
The index can only be used while its filters are an obvious subset of the filters in the query.
It would pay to optimize your table definition. Like:
Column | Type | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | not null | nextval('site_activity_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | int | not null | -- NOT NULL ??
kind | smallint | not null | -- "around 100 values"
content_type_id | smallint | not null | -- "around 80 values"
created_at | timestamptz | not null |
modified_at | timestamptz | not null |
object_id | bigint | not null |
company_id | int | not null |
is_deleted | bool | not null |
context | text | not null |
Most importantly, kind
now occupies 2 bytes instead of 33 bytes or more. See:
Plus substantial savings from rearranging the column order. See:
The big column context
("with a max 8Mb size") will typically be stored out-of-line in a TOAST table for most rows, so the tuples to work with shrink to half their size. This makes a difference for most operations.
And I suspect that some of your indexes may be expendable.