I have two golang backends, which each has its own layers as following:
I am enjecting the app dependencies like db connection to the data layer, and constructing the layers from API to service then data. so when the app starts I will enject the app struct which is contain all depencies for runtime including db connection. everything works as expected.
but for the new feature I need to implement RPC server on first backend and RPC client on the second one.
package app
type App struct {
dbconn *redis.Client
package main
func main() {
myService := new(service.MyService)
err := rpc.Register(myService)
Now in one backend I have rpc server running and i have the following method:
// myservice.go go
package service
type MyService struct {
App: app
type NewMyService(app App) MyService {
return MyService { App: app }
func (s MyService) getData() {
fmt.Println(app) // 0xc0005229e0
func (s MyService) GetDataForExternalRequests(key string, res *string) {
// now here I don't have access to s.app.dbconnection (it is nil)
fmt.Println(app) // <nil>
in the GetDataForExternalRequests How can I access the app object ?
Actually I figured out, in main.go
when I am creating myService
I shouldn'nt use new
keyword or if I used it then Ihave to constructed first then I can register it so:
myService := service.MyService
err := rpc.Register(myService)
myService := service.NewMyService(app)
err := rpc.Register(myService)