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How to add an XML element to an existing text in a XML file with python

I have a problem with some values not being declared as XML elements in my XML files. But for further processing, I need them to be an element. Example:

    <B id="254">
    <B id="255">
    <F id="256">
        <G>Lore Ipsum

In the end, the XML file should look similar to this:

    <B id="254">
    <B id="255">
    <F id="256">
        <G>Lore Ipsum

I looked in various python documentation but only found a way to add a new element with a value.


  • You can do this with the build in xml.etree.ElementTree:

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    tree = ET.parse('Start.xml')
    root = tree.getroot()
    # Show current XML
    # catch the tail value
    for elem in root.iter():
        tail_text = elem.tail
    # reset the tail value
    for elem in root.iter():
        if elem.tag =="C":
            elem.tail = '\n'
    # define new node
    ET.SubElement(root, "D")
    # assign the new nodes text
    for elem in root.iter():
        if elem.tag == "D":
            elem.text = tail_text
    # Show changed XML        
    # write the changed tree to a file
    tree.write("new.xml", encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)