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Customize error message in Nest js using class-validator

I am working on a nest project, and using class-validator for validation.

Currently if there is any validation error, I am getting error response as

    "statusCode": 400,
    "message": [
        "Title is too long. Maximal length is 50 characters, but actual is $value",
        "Title is too short. Minimal length is 10 characters, but actual is $value"
    "error": "Bad Request"

But instead of message as array of string, can we have message as array of object. So, that FE can easy figure out which field is having the error, like

    "message": [
        { "field": "title", "error": "Title is too long. Maximal length is 50 characters, but actual is $value" },
        { "field": "title", "error": "Title is too short. Minimal length is 10 characters, but actual is $value" }


  • You can use exception filters in NestJS to handle or add custom user-friendly responses.

    However, for the class-validator, there is the same mechanism by using exceptionFactory() in your validationPipe to modify the error returned by the class-validator, here is an example code for it:

      new ValidationPipe({
        exceptionFactory: (validationErrors: ValidationError[] = []) => {
          return new BadRequestException(
   => ({
              error: Object.values(error.constraints).join(', '),

    Hope it will works for you!