While configuring eslint I stumbled over the fact, that some preconfigured plugins suggest setting the "plugins" : []
value inside my config (typescript), while other plugins don't suggest it (stencil).
On the prementioned Typescripts plugin documentation, I can read
plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'] tells ESLint to load the @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin package as a plugin.
- This allows you to use typescript-eslint's rules within your codebase.
What does this mean? the --print-config
flag produces the same config, whether I provide the plugins or not and the linting also works perfectly without them. So why would I want to set this additional value?
While reading through the documentation of the a11y plugin, I found this statement:
As you are extending our configuration, you can omit "plugins": ["jsx-a11y"] from your .eslintrc configuration file.
This seems to be the answer. Using the recommended ruleset does internally add the plugin to the plugins list of eslint. I verified this for the three linked plugins of this QA post.