I am still learning dax and sometimes use the below code when creating a new calendar table to use in my data model.
Calendar =
Var_Calendar =
"Month",FORMAT([Date], "mmm"),
"Quarter", QTR" & FORMAT([Date], "Q"),
"MonthYearNumber", FORMAT([Date], "yy mm"),
"Month Year",FORMAT([Date], "mm yyyy")
As you can see at the top of the code, that date ranges from 1/1/2015 - 31/12/2022, which can be changed at any point.
When I use this in a slicer, if there is no data on a certain date in any other data tables linked to this calendar, the dates still show in a slicer, despite there being no data
Is there any alterations that can be made or alternative code to use that can still allow me to us what I need for, but only show the date in graphs or slicers that actually has data.
Yes, do the following.
I have your calendar table and my fact table looks like this:
They have the usual 1-to-many single direction relationship.
What you're currently seeing:
In order to see this instead:
Create a measure as follows:
Fact Count = COUNTROWS('Fact')
Add the measure as a filter to the slicer as follows: