Tl LineNo Amnt_pd
01 0 .
01 1 93
01 2 0
01 3 25
01 4 0
02 0 40
02 1 0
Tl LineNo Amnt_pd Amt_H
01 1 93 118
01 2 0 118
01 3 25 118
01 4 0 118
02 1 0 40
If the line no is zero for tl and amntpaid has value than keep the amntpaid value itself for rest of the rows of lineno. If lineno is zero and missing(.) then sum up the values for all other line no and fill the same sum amount for rest of the rows of Lineno for the new var Amnt_H. I need to code this in SAS. Anyhelp is appreciated?
Have a look at this already answered question.
One way using a DoW Loop
proc sort data=have; by Tl; run;
data want;
do _n_ = 1 by 1 until (last.Tl);
set have;
by Tl;
Amt_H=sum(Amt_H, amnt_pd);
do until (last.Tl);
set have;
by Tl;
if LineNo ne 0 then output;
Tl LineNo Amnt_pd Amt_H
01 1 93 118
01 2 0 118
01 3 25 118
01 4 0 118
02 1 0 40