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Pcap data to .ts file script

I want to get the UDP stream of a pcap file, get the raw data and save to a .ts file. I now i can do that in Wireshark doing: analyze->follow->UDP stream->show and save data as raw->save as->video.ts.

How can i make a script in Python for doing the same thing?


  • It could probably be done using tshark (wireshark-cli) (or dpkt or other tools)

    But here's a solution with python's scapy. (forgive my polluted namespace)

    from scapy.all import *
    import io
    ts_pcap = sniff(offline='ts_sessions.pcap', filter='udp') # for example...
    for five_tuple, session_packets in ts_pcap.sessions().items(): # going over each session
        session_buffer = io.BytesIO() # instead of writing each packet to disk, let's save each session's payload to memory. depending on the size of the streams this might be a bad idea.
        for packet in session_packets:
            session_buffer.write(bytes(packet['UDP'].payload)) # extracting udp payload from each packet, as bytes.
        exracted_ts_stream_name = five_tuple.replace(">", "_").replace(":","-") + ".ts" # otherwise the pointer is at the end of the buffer
        with open(exracted_ts_stream_name, "wb") as f: