I added a function
as a custom function in AppScript. It returns an Integer. Additionally I have the Query in a sheet:
QUERY(Expenses!A1:H;"SELECT A, B, C, D WHERE LOWER(H) contains LOWER("""&K3&""") ";1)
Complementary to "WHERE LOWER(H) contains LOWER("""&K3&""")" i want to include results where levenshteinDistanceDP(lower(H),Lower(K3)) is smaller than lets say 3.
I guess there would be a way, by adding a column to "Expenses" which uses the custom function, and the query just checks for that column. If possible I would like to do it within the query tho. Any ideas?
Edit: The idea with the extra column is especially unsuitable, since the custom function takes around a second to load in each row. For several thousand rows unfeasible, since K3 can be updated at the will of the user (me) and would then be recalculated every time. I guess that fact could jeopardize the entire idea, but maybe it runs somewhat faster in the query. One reason more to include it in the query.
Inside the QUERY you won't have the option to apply the Levenshtein Distance formula. What I suggest to make it more feasible is not to use your function as a custom function inside a cell but to make it calculate once with onEdit.
function onEdit(e){
var sh = e.source.getActiveSheet()
var shname = e.range.getSheet().getName()
var column = e.range.getColumn()
var row = e.range.getRow()
var range = e.range
if(shname == "Expenses"){
if(range.getA1Notation() == "K3"){
var rangewords = sh.getRange("H:H")
var words = rangewords.getValues()
if(words[i]=="" || words[i]==null) {return}
else {sh.getRange(i+1,10).setValue(levenshteinDistanceDP(words[i].toString().toLowerCase(),range.getValue().toString().toLowerCase()))} //change 10 with the number of column you desire to use as auxiliar for this
else if(column == 8){
sheet.getRange(row,10).setValue(levenshteinDistanceDP(range.getValue().toString().toLowerCase(),sh.getRange("K3").getValue()].toString().toLowerCase())) //change 10 with the number of column you desire to use as auxiliar for this}
When you change K3 it will re-calculate all the column once, when you change a value in column H it will only calculate that row once. Try it and let me know. You may share a sample file with the functions to debug if necessary