I have written a custom function called GetTableFromAPI2 that utilizes an internal API to return a table. I would like to be able to run this against multiple rows from my source table. The function is as follows:
(input as any, SUBSKEY as text, token as text) as table =>
json = Record.Field(input,"JSON"),
jsonBinary = Text.ToBinary(json),
URL = Record.Field("API"),
options = [Headers = [ #"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"= SUBSKEY,
#"Authorization" = token
Content = jsonBinary],
WebContent = Web.Contents(URL, options),
FormatAsJson = Json.Document(WebContent),
ConvertToTable = Record.ToTable(FormatAsJson),
TransposeTable = Table.Transpose(ConvertToTable),
PromoteHeaders = Table.PromoteHeaders(TransposeTable,[PromoteAllScalars=true])
This is a screen shot of the table that I am working with (reduced to one row for troubleshooting): sample table
I thought that I would be able to call this in this way (SUBSKEY and OAuthCurrentKey are both defined parameters):
each GetTableFromAPI2(_, SUBSKEY, OAuthCurrentKey)
But when I try that I get prompted for the input parameter.
In addition to the above, I've also tried to troubleshoot it by passing the row specifically to the function:
= GetTableFromAPI2(Source2{0}, SUBSKEY, OAuthCurrentKey)
This yields the following error: An error occurred in the ‘’ query. Expression.Error: 1 arguments were passed to a function which expects 2.
I do have this working without the function so I could create separate queries for each of my source rows but that is less than ideal.
Your calling code should look like this
#"Invoked Custom Function" = Table.AddColumn(#"Previous Step",
"GetTableFromAPI2", each GetTableFromAPI2([Input], [SUBSKEY], [Token])
and then you expand that GetTableFromAPI2 column.