I'm trying to retreive jwt access token to pass it to unit test but everytime I try to get it I receive 'not authorized' error. User is created in database with factory
class UserFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = User
username = "test_user"
password = "test123"
date_of_birth = "2000-01-22"
email = "tests@test.ru"
role = "moderator"
class AdFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = Ad
name = "test"
author_id = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory)
price = 100
description = "None"
is_published = "FALSE"
category = factory.SubFactory(CategoryFactory)
image = None
And I', trying to get jwt access token in fixtures.py
# fixtures.py
import pytest
def user_token_jwt(client):
username = "test_user"
password = "test123"
response = client.post(
{"username": username, "password": password},
return response.data["access"]
Finally, the test function itself. Please help me to understand how to retrieve a jwt access token in Django with such project architecture?
def test_create_ad(client, ad, user_token_jwt):
# user_token_jwt = client.post(
# "/user/token/",
# {"username": "test_user", "password": "test123"},
# content_type="application/json"
# )
expected_response = {
'id': ad.pk,
'name': 'test',
'author_id': ad.author_id_id,
'author': ad.username,
'price': 100,
'description': 'None',
'is_published': 'FALSE',
'category_id': ad.category_id,
'image': None
data = {
"name": "test",
"price": 100,
"description": "None",
"author_id": ad.author_id,
"category": ad.category_id,
response = client.post(
HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Bearer" + user_token_jwt
assert response.status_code == 201
assert response.data == expected_response
I'm not an expert in django or pytest. I was even inspired by your code to write mine. THANKS ;) To validate your test with the access token, did you simply add a space behind Bearer? HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Bearer " instead of "Bearer". It works for me