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Unable to stream audio and play it with Plugin.Maui.Audio

I'm creating a Maui .Net 7 application that can play audio files and works well for local files on Android and Windows using Plugin.Maui.Audio. For local files, the below code works correctly.

var player = AudioManager.Current.CreatePlayer(await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("audio_file_name.mp3"));

The problem is that I want to play audio files that will be hosted on a web server or some remote location. I've tested it by uploading a few test files to a personal web hosting account and linking directly to the file, finding a test audio file hosted elsewhere, And also setup Azure Blob storage and tried playing audio from there. Still, no matter what I try, the audio file does not play. Nothing happens. No errors. I tried the below 2 ways of having a remotely hosted file play in the app. Even if I press play and wait minutes for it to start playing, nothing happens.

#1. Streaming directly from the remote source:

var player = AudioManager.Current.CreatePlayer("https://link/to/file.mp3");

#2 Downloading the file first and then playing it:

        public async Task DownloadFile(string url, string filePath)
            var client = new HttpClient();
            var response = await client.GetAsync(url);
            var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
            var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            await stream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

        var localFilePath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.CacheDirectory, "file.mp3");
        await DownloadFile("https://link/to/file.mp3", localFilePath);
        var player = AudioManager.Current.CreatePlayer(localFilePath);

Looking into Plaugin.Maui.Audio, It's supposed to be able to play a Stream as well and not just local files. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any suggestions for having this work correctly for a Maui application?


  • It's supposed to be able to play a Stream as well and not just local files.

    In the source code of the IAudioManager it provide the method.

     IAudioPlayer CreatePlayer(Stream audioStream)
                return new AudioPlayer(audioStream);

    but just as jdweng said that Applications are suppose to test the file type using both extension and ASCII Header I am not sure that the https response can be recognized as a stream.

    Acturaly, you can use the MediaElement to play the audio by using the HTTP and HTTPS URI schemes. Here is the code sample:

    <toolkit:MediaElement Source=""
                  ShouldShowPlaybackControls="True" />

    This MediaElement belongs to the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit.