The Producer in Kafka is producing messages, but the consumer is down after consuming the 5th message. After some time the consumer is up, and I want to consume the 6th message, instead of the latest message.
How can I do this?
public class kafkaProducerRoute extends RouteBuilder{
public void configure() throws Exception {
// loop over the route 10 times
.setBody().constant("Hello, World!") // set the message body to "Hello, World!"
.to("kafka:hello1?brokers=localhost:9092") // send the message to a Kafka topic using the Kafka producer endpoint
.log("Message is produced");
.log("Received message with offset: ${header." + KafkaConstants.OFFSET + "} - ${body}");
when the consumer group comes up again, does it come up with the same old group_id, if yes, then it should continue from where it left, if not, then this is normal as per the default setting for auto.offset.reset = latest
will always start from the latest offset of the topic