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Creating a Sequence of Weeks between two dates by counting each Friday

I'm using Oracle-SQL to accomplish this however.

An example is easiest be easiest to explain, Let's say I have a job_id (27) that starts Feb-1-2023 (Wednesday) and ends March-1-2023 (also Wednesday). All of these columns, id, start_date, end_date, exist in the same table.

The table would look something like:

Job_id Seq# Date
27 1 Feb-3-2023
27 2 Feb-10-2023
27 3 Feb-17-2023
27 4 Feb-24-2023
27 5 Mar-3-2023

Of course this would need to be done for all job_id's in the jobs table.

The purpose of this is to create a Gaussian bell curve of hours worked, given an expected peak_time and std. dev. This way I will be able to have a slight forecasting simulator.

But for now I need this query to accomplish this! Any suggestions?

EDIT: I was able to find the first Friday after the Start_date with this query,

SELECT start_date, NEXT_DAY(start_date - 1, 'FRIDAY') AS first_friday

as a starting point,

Any advice is appreciated!


  • Here's one option:

    Sample data:

    SQL> with test (job_id, start_date, end_date) as
      2    (select 27, date '2023-02-01', date '2023-03-01' from dual union all
      3     select 30, date '2023-02-06', date '2023-02-25' from dual
      4    )

    Query begins here:

      5  select job_id,
      6    column_value as seq#,
      7    next_day(start_date -1 , 'FRIDAY') + ((column_value - 1) * 7) as datum
      8  from test cross join
      9    table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
     10                        connect by level <= (end_date - start_date) / 7 + 1
     11                       ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
     12  order by job_id, seq#;
        JOB_ID       SEQ# DATUM
    ---------- ---------- -----------
            27          1 Feb-03-2023
            27          2 Feb-10-2023
            27          3 Feb-17-2023
            27          4 Feb-24-2023
            27          5 Mar-03-2023
            30          1 Feb-10-2023
            30          2 Feb-17-2023
            30          3 Feb-24-2023
    8 rows selected.